The Kite Runner - Khalid Hosseini (2003) - Book Review


To explain your feelings after having read one of the most cherished books and authors of all time is definitely a difficult task. However, if I don't venture to do that, that will forever remain an injustice.
I believe Hosseini is one of those very few writers who has that divine gift to put to words all that goes through the mind of a child, bringing out the of essence of innocence. You cannot finish reading this book without once extending your heart for this beautiful child Hassan and the serenity of his character that goes beyond all your expectations. Books like The Kite Runner and The Thousand Splendid Suns not just tell us about the plight of war affected civilians, but they are true testimonies to the fact of loss of childhood- loss of innocence-which is ultimately, the loss of humanity in the individual.
