Appreciation of the Poem Solitude by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

The poem begins with the simple line: “Laugh and the whole world laughs with you/Weep and you weep alone”. From here onward the poem follows the idea that the world is after pleasure and joy and it does not want to listen to sad stories. Since the world is filled with so much misery, sorrow and personal worries, it has no mirth of its own.

            In the following stanza the poet says that men will seek us if we rejoice but they will turn us down if we grieve or feel sorrow. A man who is happy will have many friends but a man who is not happy and hopeless will not have any friends at all. Ours is a world that goes after happiness, not after misery. In simple words the poet repeats the idea that happiness will attract more happiness and sorrow will take us away from enjoying happy moments. Finally, it will make us lonely where we will have to enjoy our own company. A complaining man or sad person will be forced to live his life in loneliness. There will not be anyone to share his sorrow. She clarifies this idea by saying that many will come to drink from our nectared wine while no one will show his willingness to share the bitter taste of our life. Toward the end of the poem, she magnifies the idea of solitude by saying that we all go alone to face death which is the saddest thing that can happen to a person. The poem asks us to be positive and attract good company. Thus it has an optimistic tone (hopeful tone). It demands us that we stop being critical and negative which will only make us lonely. Many poetic devices are cleverly used by the poet: nectared wine-gustatory image, aisles of pain-tactile image, feast and your halls are crowded-visual image, sing and the hills will answer-auditory image etc are some of them. The poet has also used the technique of internal rhyiming. The pairs: earth/mirth, bound/sound, measure/pleasure, decline/pain etc are examples for that.
