Ascension of Persona - Analysis of Adoor Gopalakrishnan's film Kodiyettam (1975)

Kodiyettam interweaves multiple aspects of a rural society with astonishing character growth of a man named Shankarankutty. In the initial parts of the movie Shankarankutty is a man who lives a life mostly unaware of what is happening around him; a poor individual who is unable to associate and indulge in most of what is happening. Yet Shankarankutty always wanted to do things others were able to do, but the same he could do only after he came in touch with a lorry driver. Shankarankutty always cherished an emotional connection with the widow who committed suicide because of her illicit relationship. Although he had doubts regarding her behavior he could never actually come up with any true evidence by sight but only by sounds. Whenever he got a chance to meet Sukumara Pillai and the widow together, there had to be some distractions which made it difficult for him to see what really happened between the two or what did they talk to each other, if they talked anything. His evidences for their relationship is supported by them talking to each other (audio) rather than being able to see them together (visual) . He knew the reason for her suicide only by overhearing the two speaking about her illegal conception. This fortune of not being able to see her with another man helps him to maintain an ideal image of the two; a generous dutiful mother and widow Savithriyamma and the well-respected master, Sukumara Pillai.

         It is interesting to note that it is not from any morally perfect person that the transformation in Shanakarankutty is taking place but from a man with loose morals (the lorry driver) that he becomes what he is ultimately. Shankarankutty had many unfulfilled desires like-to have a relationship with the widow, to have promiscuous relationship like the lorry driver, to control something which he would never have been able to do (once he tries to occupy his master, lorry driver’s seat) etc. He found most of these things have been done by others who had certain authority over their life, who would not rather spend their time on trifles like going for processions or attending a festivals (like he did most of the time). One of such men who had certain authority over his life is the lorry driver rather a well-respected person, like the master who had an affair with the widow.
